
well you are either here because you like my art and want to learn about me or youre an anti who thinks im committing atrocities & enjoy the incredibly unhealthy pastime of hatereading so you can report back to your little clique of 13 year olds about every single one of my behaviors for a quick dose of that sweet holier than thou teenage power trip juice but anyway i love to talk about myself so lets begin

first of all if you are a shotacon and looking for links that you think i have of "uncensored" art im sorry but there is none, i dont draw that kind of thing as i am not a shotacon. i dont really care what people are into but i dislike being labeled incorrectly, and the only reason people assume i must be into shotas is because i draw my male ocs in a cute way. but thats the actual thing i care about, just my ocs in any shape or size i feel like drawing them.furthermore, none of my ocs are intended to be children; they do not have ages due to the fact that they were created to express a personality relevant to progression of their story antics, rather than emulate the biology of a real life human. and no, this is not what you might be thinking is a "loophole" that allows me to legally create explicit content of them - as i stated above i do not produce such content nor do i have any interest in sexual activity whatsoever.i draw what i think is cute.yes this may include partial nudity, but never situations involving or alluding to sex acts. if people looking at my art feel differently about what i draw, thats out of my control and not my problem. all i ask is that you respect my characters and do not make unwelcome sexual comments, especially on artwork that is 100% sfw and wholesome.so yes i like traps/femboys but regardless of the kind of attention my art attracts, im just not into shota.
i actually much prefer lolis :3

about my art process

all my art is sketched first in paint tool sai 2 and then lined in clip studio paint. as i have ocd i tend to spend unreasonable amounts of time fixing insignificant details, and adhd decides whether or not my brain will function creatively at all, so on a "bad" day it can take me the full 12 hour workblock to finish one of my standard artworks from sketch to background.i do not use pose dolls or any sort of reference material for anatomy or perspective in my artwork whatsoever.i love human anatomy. ive spent a lot of time just observing the shape of the human body, and have made it my goal to be able to reproduce it accurately from my mind alone. im not saying i have achieved perfection, and i probably cant compete with those who use proper reference material, but the skill i have managed to build over the years is incredibly important to me, and i want to be recognized for that effort.while i understand that there is absolutely nothing wrong with using references for poses in digital art, it is becoming more and more mainstream for artists to directly trace free assets (3D models/photos/etc) to the point where most people assume every artist takes that shortcut. again, i have no issue with the use of visual aid, im not at all calling it "cheating" (provided the artist does not try to pass off referenced work as entirely their own raw talent ofc) but considering all the effort i have put into my understanding of anatomy, it pains me to think i might be included in this assumption, and there isnt much chance for me to casually express pride in my achievements without coming across as elitist.i wish more people could share my love for human anatomy, but i understand that it is not always considered a priority, and definitely does not come easy to everyone.i would also like to make it clear that this applies to human anatomy and clothing only. i have always been fully transparent about tracing hard-edge things like furniture (which i modeled entirely myself in sketchup, or used a photo taken of my own belongings) in my comic, and most of the electronic devices/game consoles in my regular art. all non-console inanimate objects in my illustrations are drawn without reference, with the exception of unique items like fantasy weaponry that i model from my imagination and then either trace or reference from in the final piece.

about my characters

my main set of ocs is from a series i created called elejin, featuring personified electronic devices (gijinkas) by the same name. you can find their character bios and more information about the series concept here, or you can #readelejin in the four panel webcomic format from any of the sites below.

if you came here from twitter you are probably familiar with the two characters in my pinned tweet: Dell and Jigen.Dell is the gijinka of my real-life laptop, and often considered to be the main character of the elejin series. he is of average intelligence, but frequently makes poor decisions that lead to his own suffering (either by computer virus, or subsequent corporal punishment for contracting said virus) and is therefore thought of by those who know him as an idiot.Jigen is the gijinka of my 3DS console, and usually depicted in the comic as the voice of reason - particularly regarding Dell's antics. he dresses and presents himself in a cute way typically associated with being "feminine", but disagrees with the idea of clothing being gendered at all to begin with.the two of them are commonly referred to as deljige by myself and my friends, and joked about as being in a physical relationship. however, as far as elejin canon goes, they are just close friends with no romantic interest in each other.these characters do not have ages, and are not meant to appear as any specific stage of human development.
it is simply not necessary, relevant, or logical in canon given that they are nothing more than a fictional electromagnetic representation of an inanimate object. any number you see affixed to them is in reference to their consoles, which were acquired in 2009 and 2011 respectively.
while i do not have any sort of imaginary friend complex as might be assumed with this concept, many behaviors of the real-life devices are incorporated into the personality of the corresponding character or otherwise joked about as if the machine were sentient.

frequently asked questions

- do you take commissions?
check the commissions tab for current status!
my previous response to this question: the short answer is no, because i know the worth of my time/skill and most people who ask this assume im going to draw a full piece for $50. but, if you catch me with free time on my hands and are willing to pay $300+ for a single character full body image (simple background included), there is a chance i will say yes. if you came here from ko-fi and are looking for a pokemon chibi, i dont do those anymore, sorry. art trades are also off the table unless were close friends.
- can i draw fanart of your characters?
sure! the only thing i ask is that you please do not draw nsfw involving any of my characters. this means anything implying the act of sex, masturbation, or erections (even if hidden by clothing) is not okay with me. putting my characters in a scenario where other characters (such as your own ocs) are involved in sexual activity is also not permitted, nor is clothing associated with said themes, such as chastity belts or cages. i am, however, fine with visible panties, as long as the above conditions are also met. there are also a handful of personally disliked themes id rather not have my ocs involved in, so to be safe id prefer you contact me on twitter if you are serious about creating any fanmade content. thank you in advance!
- do you have discord?
nope. dell is a million years old and i hate typing on my phone. voice chat is an even bigger no. twitter dm is the only way ill communicate, if at all.
- do you want to game with me?
also no. sorry but im really not a social person, even when its something fun like gaming (i also dont play most popular games anyway)
- why wont you follow me back?
this one actually has a whole page explaining it because i am in constant fear that people think im some sort of snob who only follows back "popular" artists
- is your @ for sale?
no. i dont care about money plus its against the rules and even so i like using silly cartoon squirrel name to piss antis off
- if youre not a shotacon why do you draw shotas?
i dont consider my characters to be shotas (except Elell) but the history of my art style might help explain it: when i first started drawing humans, i only drew girls. then when i started drawing boys, they came out looking as small and cute as the girls (since thats all i knew how to draw) and were mistaken for children because of it. then, in order to fix this, i began drawing all my characters with strictly real-life accurate anatomical proportions...but the sad truth is people just didnt find that appealing, and my engagement suffered for it. so i experimented with finding a happy medium that used less realistic proportions but still looked to me like they were their intended body size. i do admit to occasionally drawing them smaller just because its cute and easier to fit their bodies into the desired canvas space (which can be especially difficult for standing poses) but i try to mention as much as possible that they are not children even if the art style makes them look smaller and cuter than their canon sizes.
if youre a cartoon rights activist and this answer still doesnt satisfy you, there is another reason why i prefer to keep my male characters small and nonthreatening. as the result of a trauma i am not going to go into the details of, i was made uncomfortable by the presence of grown men from a young age; even as fictional characters they make me feel uneasy. in an attempt to get past this, i did at one point try to create an character who more closely resembled a grown man, however despite making him entirely harmless i unfortunately was unable to acclimate myself as hoped, and still experience discomfort even just thinking about another one of my ocs who i feel like is towering over me at just 5'6 — a mere 3 inches taller than myself. so before you go accusing people of having some sort of philia for being drawn toward what you perceive as a specific target age group, maybe consider respecting their history and that they may actually just be trying to avoid something at the opposite end of that spectrum that causes them to experience traumatic memories. thank you! :)

why wont you follow me back?

let me start this one out by saying im really only interested in making friends. i dont care whether you have a lot of followers or dont even draw at all, but using the former to try to entice me like im just another collectible artist is not gonna work out.if you really wanna become my friend, just talk to me? DM me or comment on my tweets, anything to show im more than a trophy mutual. ive been told people assumed i hated them just cuz i didnt instantly follow back 🤨 mf i do not know youanyway that said, here are some of the most common reasons why i will not follow an account back at first glance

- youre a vtuber
sorry. nothing against vtubing itself but i been around enough of these to know theres a heavy practice of following artists and trying to "influence" them to draw fanart of their vsona for free. ive even had one of them trace my own fucking art and send it to me as "fanart" of my oc, hoping that id feel compelled to draw something in return for them. idk how to say this without sounding like an ass but its really obvious when someones goal is just to milk an artist for free work.
im also completely incapable of watching streams because of hardware limitations (read:Dell) and schedule conflicts so if youre just looking for another viewer you wont find one in me. again, i do not hate all vtubers or anything so im not saying i wont become your friend if you pursue it, i just hope you can understand the situation & my need to be cautious here- youre a nsfw artist
i know i draw nsfw, but not sex or fully visible genitals. im not a prude who does 27 hail marys at the sight of porn or anything i just dont really care about massive schlongs or cumsplosions so it would be awkward for me to become mutuals with someone and then never feel comfortable engaging with their art. ive also had a disturbing amount of complete strangers try to "turn me" via twitter DMs because the thirst for porn of my ocs was apparently just too much for them to behave like a normal human and obviously i dont think all nsfw artists are like this but the ones that are will take any implication that im open to being friends with 18+ content creators (which i am!) and convince themselves it means i want to be converted to The Dick Side so just. keep that in mind that i scare easily.
- youre a furry
i used to be a furry before i learned to draw humans but i just dont really have any interest in furry art/characters anymore, and the only furries that ever try to follow me are nsfw artists anyway. so i guess its not really the animal aspect but the nsfw aspect im uninterested in... sorry
- you only draw western cartoons
i dont watch them and i dont care for the art style, even if its sfw. for some reason, south park fans seem to think the word "cartoon" doesnt apply to their source material, but it does.
- youre obsessed with a character i dont like
lmao ok hear me out, i have autism and ocd so you do not want to be in the same room with me when i see a character i dont like. and there are a lot of them. im not going to list them all partially because im petty enough to hate characters based on their voice alone which means voice actors with 300+ roles that i despise all of just for the way they sound. i know its awful and i really hate that my brain works like this but, for my own sanity i tend to avoid accounts that create or retweet content of these characters. but i also hate making people feel bad that i dislike their faves, so i try not to be vocal about it... even if youre a really cool person it would just drive me insane to have to put up with that much exposure to something i despise enough to throw up from thinking about (yes, this has actually happened 💀)
- its not you, its me
even if the arts good, the content might not be right for me. this does not mean absolutely no nsfw, but as i mentioned before im just not into graphic sexual themes, especially when dicks are involved. i realize people assume that since i draw mostly boys i must love their plumbing but such is not the case. if theres enough sfw/lewd art mixed in i might overlook the porn but otherwise... just nuts & butts for me ✌️

"you treat me like a friend, so when are you going to follow me back already!? 😡"if you feel like you dont fit into any of those categories but are wondering why i still havent followed you back, theres a different explanation for that: ive spoken a lot on twitter about past experiences with people who dote me up and act like they really wanna be friends, only to completely stop talking to me once i follow them back, as if i was just some sort of conquest. and no this hasnt just happened once or twice, its about a 90% occurrence. whenever i think ive made a new friend after talking to a follower for months and trust them enough to follow back, they reduce their interaction with me to the point where we may as well be strangers. everyone assures me "well dont worry, i wouldnt do that!" and then they do anyway. so if i dont follow back, you should actually take it as a sign that i probably enjoy your replies and dont want to risk losing you 🥺


commissions are currently closed, sorry!

type: full body
price: $150 per character

my comfort level is a maximum of two characters per image. if you really want to add more, ask me and we can discuss pricing options.

excessive details & accessories may cost extra!

art style

single widthoptions availablecel shading

unique features
character's eye color will be reduced to 3 contrasting colors: the base iris, pupil color, and accent below pupil. if there are specific colors you would like me to use, feel free to request them!
due to the soft pastel standard for this style, some darker colors may be lightened to allow them to stand out against the shading and line colors. if this is something you take issue with, i advise you to find another artist more suited to your needs.

background options

simple pattern background . . . . . . . . . . free
[example] [example] [example]
detailed pattern background . . . . . . . . $20
[example] [example] [example]
simple scene background . . . . . . . . . . . . $40
[example] [example] [example]
full scene background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50+
[example] [example] [example]

keep in mind that backgrounds take time too! just because it looks simple doesn't mean it was created instantly, especially if i have to experiment with placement to ensure your character is balanced with other elements.

will draw

  • humans

  • furries/animals

  • OCs

  • "canon" characters

  • any body type

  • playful violence

  • panty shots

  • physical intimacy

  • nudity*

won't draw

  • irl celebrities

  • sex acts

  • blatant fetish content*

  • diapers

  • piss

  • vomit

  • gore/severe injury

  • armor/mecha

  • detailed muscles

* clarification *

i am okay with drawing all nudity except visible butthole or penis this includes the presence of an erection through clothing, or any implication of an erection being cleverly obstructed from view. flaccid penis being mostly hidden is fine, but i still won't draw any more of it than that.my definition of "blatant" fetish content is a bit more personal boundary based. for example, i have no problem drawing focus on bare feet, but i am not comfortable drawing tickling (of any body part, for that matter) or other degrees of activity where it cannot be passed off as non fetish content.though i won't draw piss kink directly, visually identical alternatives like spilled liquid on crotch are not a problem. i will not draw characters holding in their pee, however.

simple pattern free*
[example] [example] [example]
detailed pattern $30
[example] [example] [example]
simple scene $50
[example] [example] [example]
detailed scene $100+
[example] [example] [example]


i am currently accepting chibi commissions!

price: $30 per character
(excessive details or accessories may cost $5 extra)
canvas size: 600x650
files provided: layered .psd & flat .png

white outlinecolorednonenone
ask about additional effectscrayon brushtransparentflat colors only

please read the following information carefully!
the terms stated here are part of a binding contract you are entering by purchasing a commission from me, regardless of whether you actually bother to read them

- how do i inquire?
just send me a DM on twitter (@Emolga) and i will reply as soon as i can. make sure you have a reference sheet of your character(s) ready, or any collection of images for me to work from. if you have a pose in mind, you can send a reference of that as well, or even just a stick figure drawing of the general idea. i cannot work from just a text description! visual reference is required for both the character and any outfit you want them to be wearing.
- how do i pay?
PayPal is the only form of payment i currently accept. once i have agreed to do your commission, you will be sent an invoice in USD. i will not begin any work until payment is received in full. if you fail to pay the invoice within 24 hours, i will send you 1 reminder. after another 24 hours passes without payment, your slot may be forfeited to the next client in line. unfortunately i cannot "hold" slots for people who need time to get funds prepared, even if you tell me beforehand.
- how long will it take?
expected turnaround is usually within 2 days, most of the time i complete the drawing within a few hours of receiving payment. my work hours are typically weekdays from 7am - 6pm EST, so if you dont hear from me for an extended period of time, i am most likely just asleep. i will always inform the client if there are any delays in progress, but so far this has never happened.
- do i get any updates?
because i work so fast, there is often no need for an update on the progress of your commission. however, i will send a rough sketch of the general pose for your approval before moving onto colors.

if you are someone who does not check messages regularly, please let me know in advance!you have 48 hours after i inform you that the commission has been completed to view it and request any changes. if you wait any longer than this to even check your messages and something does need to be changed, i may ask that you pay an additional fee to cover that extra work, especially if i have since closed my commissions and am no longer drawing. obviously if nothing needs to be changed, there is no limit to when you may collect the completed artwork.

- i dont have any pose ideas...
thats fine! if you want to leave it up to me, i will provide a maximum of 2 unique pose sketches for you, but if you reject both ideas i will begin charging $5 per additional attempt.
- what if i dont like it...
honesty is key to the artist-client relationship. if you arent happy with the way ive drawn something, please let me know as soon as possible so that i can correct it early on. as for colors, any adjustments you want me to make are free of charge. in most cases i will use the eyedropper tool to directly select colors from references you have provided, but in some cases i may slightly alter them in order to suit the balance (for example, certain colors need to be light enough to stand out against the darker lineart). if you have an issue with this and would like an exact color to be used, it is 100% your freedom to request that. i tend to work with lighter colors in general, which means that if your character depends on a dark color that you are not comfortable having changed, i will honor that request, but i am not going to tediously rearrange the entire rest of the image to match.
it may be your money, but it is ultimately my art style, and if your character is incompatible with the colors i use, you may want to consider commissioning someone more suitable to fulfill those needs.- i need a refund!
life happens, emergencies come up, i get that. if something should happen to you during the progress of your commission and you need the money back, i am able to refund 50% of the paid amount, regardless of what stage the artwork is in (barring completion). however, you also forfeit the right to use any of what i completed, and i will be allowed to repurpose the work as i see fit. if you are caught using the artwork in spite of this, legal action will be taken for theft.
if the reason for requesting a refund is general dissatisfaction, unfortunately i cannot justify returning money for work i put in to the best of my ability. as a personal rule, i do not allow myself to draw, let alone progress on commissions, if i feel my focus or skill is not being properly expended. therefore, any commissions i complete will be my best effort, and you will receive exactly what was advertised. failure to assess the product before committing to purchase is the responsibility of the client, not the artist!- what can i use the artwork for?
standard use of my artwork includes personal display such as profile picture on social media, and any merchandise* you want to create through third party companies such as stickers, keychains, or apparel, so long as it is not being resold.
if you upload the image to social media sites such as twitter or instagram, i ask that you please include a link back to my twitter account. simply stating "commission" or "not my art" will not suffice; there must be a clearly visible credit to me as the artist. for twitter, preferably this should be included in the tweet that contains the artwork, but replying with a follow up tweet in which i am tagged @Emolga is an acceptable alternative. please do not break the link by putting @/Emolga or just writing "art by emolga" as this serves little purpose since most viewers are entirely too lazy to search the name.

anything that involves use serving as advertisement or in any way contributes to a monetary gain will require an additional commercial license fee.

this includes involvement in any streams conducted on platforms such as twitch or youtube, or static banners displayed on such sites. if you earn money during streams where you plan to use my artwork, please let me know so we can discuss commercial licensing. in most cases, this is just a flat fee for temporary use. however, extended use (such as a key component in the visual layout of streams with prolonged appearance) may require a monthly royalty fee based on the income of your channel. alternatively, purchasing the full rights to the image will allow you to continue using it indefinitely for this purpose*.for example, if you commission a christmas themed chibi with intent to use it only during the month of december, you will only need to pay for that month (and any subsequent years). if you commission a seasonal chibi and intend to use it for several months (spring, summer, etc) you will be charged based on the amount of months it is in use. if you plan on using the artwork at random and have no concrete period of time that can be affixed to its use, i advise arranging a full rights contract up front to prevent confusion.exemptions to this rule include the aforementioned pfps, twitter header, and stream schedules/announcements contained on twitter itself. editing the artwork into memes is also freely permitted. commercial advertisement usage only applies to actual streaming platforms, but you should still credit me as the artist in some way if you are going to use my artwork as a display image for anything on twitter.* - if you intend to mass produce any merchandise where my artwork will be sold, you will be required to pay a royalty fee based on the prominence of my artwork (aka sole focus vs collage of other artworks from various sources) and sales of the item in question.if your channel is just personal and not monetized or sponsored in any way that results in profit, you are free to use the artwork without paying for commercial rights. however, if you begin monetizing content that uses any artwork commissioned from me, you will need to arrange for a proper commercial usage contract.

misc NO-NOs

you may never turn my art into an NFT. the commercial usage contract does not cover this. it is full on banned.
NO AI training
you may not use any artwork of mine to produce AI or otherwise artificially generated images.
NO base making
paying for the commission does not give you the right to trace the base and sell it in the form of YCHs or adopts.

failure to comply with or abide by the above conditions will result in a ban from future commissions. in the case of malice, i will also report your behavior to fellow artists so that they will avoid working with you as well.

elejin faq

questions people ask me a lot. you can message me on twitter if you have other questions or want more detail not answered here, i love sharing elejin information :) press ctrl+F to search for a specific keyword!

- what do elejins eat?
electricity! they cannot and do not eat human food, just gain energy by charging the console only with their cords. sometimes i draw them seemingly about to eat just because i think eating is a cute trope but they canonically are unable. no saliva and no stomach to digest it, it would just get trapped in their "lungs" and have to be coughed back up. and no taste buds either, so they cant even just lick things (dell often puts various objects in his mouth just to check if he has acquired the ability to taste, though)
- whats it like for them having things plugged in? 😳
wish i could give a more interesting answer but the charging port is equivalent to belly button, and anything like a USB or memory card is the same as reading a book containing that information. disc drives/game cart slots are more like their mouth to some extent... but still, information retrieved from the disk or chip is like reading rather than eating
- how old are they?
this one is always weird to me. you wouldnt wait until a dvd player is 18 human years old just to play an R rated movie in it, why be so desperate to attach ages to elejins? their appearance is based on how they want to look, not their mental age. size is sometimes relevant to the amount of charge they can hold on their console, meaning smaller consoles will only be able to become small sized elejins, but realistically nothing at all is stopping them from presenting as a 69 year old granny except...who would want to do that lol
- what part of the body is the ___?
it tends to follow this layout:
face = screen
mouth = CD tray/game slot
neck = hinge (for folding devices)
teeth, nails = keys
chest = LR/Z buttons
lungs = vents
navel = charging port
genitals = battery
but there isnt always a direct correlation between console area and body part; its more of a general feeling that can vary between devices, especially since many lack things like screens or keys. this obviously doesnt mean they dont have those body parts in elejin form, just that they might not feel any sensation in their human body from having the console touched in a specific place
- does replacing their parts hurt them?
nope! upgrading or replacing parts of the console (such as for repairs) is considered completely normal and does not cause them any bodily trauma whatsoever. if the console itself experiences extreme physical damage, however, it may be hard for the elejin to maintain the original electric composure after recovery. depending on the severity of the injury, this can manifest as what appears to be scarring representing things such as large cracks on the console